Instagram Follower Bot What you need to Know in 2022

In the beginning of Instagram growth marketers as well as wannabe influencers utilized what’s referred to as an Instagram follower bot.

What is What is Instagram Follower Bot? Well, it’s almost exactly the same as it sounds. A bot for Instagram follows Instagram follower robot will identify poorly targeted Instagram accounts with specific keywords in their profiles and automatically follow them and also like the posts of your Instagram account.

In the end, the goal was to increase your own Instagram following base by getting a follow-back form only a tiny portion of the accounts your Instagram followers bot followed.

However, that trend has drastically changed for many reasons. The first and most important reason is that this tactic is working less and less as people have gotten used to this tactic, and it’s less difficult to attract followers in 2022 than a few years prior to that.

The bottom line is that finding a cheap or no-cost Instagram follower robot is the equivalent to making the error of buying Instagram followers. The result is an exaggerated follower count, little to any engagement as well as a long list of obviously fake followers.

The reason that it is the Instagram following bots trend is at a standstill but it’s due to the fact that accounts with bot followers on Instagram typically ruin their reputation. For a few years now, Instagram has pushed back on accounts that try to game the system with fake followers and growth that’s totally fake. This kind of behavior violates Instagram’s rules and accounts that use tricks to increase their growth commonly get suspended or removed completely.

On the flipside of Instagram’s crackdown, accounts with the highest organic Instagram growth are being rewarded by the platform’s algorithm with more content visibility and engagement.

Do you know of any Instagram bots that are working?

The good news is The following points should discourage you from your search for the most effective follower bot on Instagram.

And if you’re asking yourself, «Are there any Instagram bots that are working?» You’re in luck.

What if I told you that there’s an ideal compromise between natural and artificial methods of gaining more followers on Instagram? Not only that, there’s also a brand new method that’s:

100% endorsed by Instagram

It is automatically triggered by auto-reply tools and

Delivers orders of magnitude more organic engagement on Instagram.

Indeed, Bigbangram for Instagram has been released in 2022 and is what you’re seeking since it will bring users that you’re looking for. The #1 goal on Instagram is to gain followers that are going to engage with your content.

But, most importantly, by using Bigbangram which is a 100% Instagram-approved service that you can ensure that you do not put your account at high-risk of permanent shutdown or suspension.

In this article, we’ll look at how you can increase the number of followers by using an Instagram bot in the best method. You’ll be able to reap the benefits of automated message tools for Instagram but without the negatives associated with growing your presence on Instagram by using artificial means.

Here’s our agenda on how to create an Instagram bot that will get you more followers:

The most efficient Instagram bot to gain followers.

Bot users on Instagram with Auto-Response to Comments.

Turn the DM mailbox into an Instagram leads funnel for followers with auto-reply messages.

Use the Instagram Stories Mentions Bot to get more followers and increase brand loyalty.

The Instagram bot for growth of followers to Clubhouse influencers.

How do I build an Instagram follower bot.


Grow the number of Instagram as well as Facebook followers and engage with new tools for creators, brand owners, influencers and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to make use of tools that create high-quality engagement with Instagram DMs.

Get Access

The Best Instagram Bot to Increase Followers

As I’m sure you have I consider it essential not to make general statements and grandiose statements about a product or service without backing them up with facts.

Find out the latest stats from Larry Kim’s Instagram after just a few days of using Bigbangram’s engagement tools for Instagram.

The results of Larry’s first month using Instagram engagement tools are amazing:

Profile visits are up 255 percent.

Web Taps have increased by 249 percent.

Thousands of new Instagram followers are added every week.

It’s like a DM (direct message) inbox that is exploding with legitimate requests.

Impressions are increasing by 171% each month.

There aren’t just brand new Instagram users that Larry receives. Larry’s Instagram DM inbox has been receiving thousands of new messages per week. The wild part is that these aren’t the typical Instagram automatic replies. The DMs Larry is receiving have keywords in them that Larry requested followers to use in his posts on Larry’s secret tips to increase the engagement of Instagram.

Furthermore, Larry has received messages from major influencers, supermodels (regarding business ) and real billionaires as well as some stars that I, unfortunately, cannot name, but you certainly recognize them.

Do you want to get started using Instagram Tools right away?

Take advantage of the most innovative Instagram DM automation tools today!

Utilize the partner code UNICORN to jump to the head of our list!


Develop Instagram as well as Facebook followers and engagement by using new tools designed for creators, brand owners, influencers, and D2C businesses. Sign up to be the first to use tools to create elite engagement via Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Auto-Reply to comments on Instagram to gain followers and Drive Traffic

Remember the name for the Instagram game is «engagement.» In fact, I believe that’s one of Newton’s laws of Physics:

«Instagram Engage = more Instagram followers»

Sir Isaac Newton, Circa 1700 AD

All joking aside, it really is that simple.

The addition of an Instagram Comment Auto-Responder on any of your Instagram content is an sure way to boost followers and engagement on Instagram.

A instrument that influencers and marketers have been thinking of for a long time.

Instagram Comment Auto-Responders, made by Bigbangram will allow you to automatically respond to comments you receive on your Instagram posts by engaging in a chat dialog. Here’s an example of a Comment Auto-Responder that’s triggered by using the word «INSTATOOLS» :

Instagram Follower Bot: Comment Auto-Responder

Autoresponders are simple to setup and efficient. If you have any Instagram posts, you can ask your followers to leave comments with an exact keyword. If people post comments with the keyword this triggers a sequence that allows you to begin a conversation using any dialogue you want to use. There are several options to choose from:

Send Instagram visitors through one of the landing pages you have.

Join your subscribers to your newsletters, SMS text messages, Facebook Messenger promos, and other channels of communication.

Capture their contact information using one of the lead generation tools offered by Bigbangram.

Request them to follow you!

Comment Auto-Responders significantly boost the visibility of your posts because not only can you opt the leads to your funnel, and then capture their contact details for retargeting as well, but you’re also earning Instagram algorithms trigger points to reward the additional engagement!

Therefore, instead of following Instagram accounts and hoping that they follow back with respect, try this instead. Set up an Instagram Comment Auto-Responder on your next post and add, «Be sure to follow us to keep up on the most recent [topics relevant to your contentand your post» and a link to your page within the chat window.

Gain More Followers on Instagram by using DM Auto-Reply Tools

The Instagram DM (direct message) bots can be extremely beneficial to businesses and are engaging for users.

Bigbangram’s Instagram DM bot is a more effective version of one of Instagram’s business features -» Instagram Fast Replies.

Yet, Quick Replies aren’t exactly scalable, and there’s been a big gap for marketers seeking to maximize the use of Instagram for business with the existing messaging capabilities on the platform.

That’s because Instagram DMs didn’t feature a developer API that allowed for private messaging on a large scale and excluded Instagram from the majority of chat marketing funnels.

Bigbangram now lets you be in control of Instagram’s (somewhat outdated) DM inbox with multiple features and use cases, such as:

Instantly respond to Instagram DMs by auto-replying tools Keyword triggers, keywords, and the ability to respond to FAQs (frequently requested questions).

Create a personalized welcome message to everyone who sends the Instagram DM on the first occasion.

Create leads and collect valuable feedback and data using templates for emails.

Opt-in software to build your contacts lists, and then follow on with people who engage via SMS, email and Messenger.

Create a chatbot that is menu-based like the one in this video, where users can choose what they’d prefer to learn concerning your products or services.

You can ask them to follow you!

Each of these cases is ripe for gaining more Instagram followers, especially the last.

This is an illustration of Bigbangram Instagram Welcome Message in action:

Instagram follower bot: Auto respond to DMs

Through the Instagram Page Welcomer tool from Bigbangram, it’s incredibly simple to guide people through your funnel and ultimately capture email addresses and other important contact details.

You can test it out using the Bigbangram Instagram page by clicking on the message button and then saying «Hello» (must have to be performed using a mobile phone).

Auto-Reply to Mentions on Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

I’ll continue to drive this point to the end of the article Engagement is the only way to ‘win’ on Instagram and gain tons of Followers. Instagram rewards engagement but not followers. So, that’s the reason why things go viral and accounts grow to stardom.

The best way to start engaging more people is to connect with your followers. Bigbangram’s quick reply tool for Instagram Story Mentions is among the most innovative and sought-after tools to be found on Instagram in the future.

Get ready for one of the top Instagram Story hacks that you’ll need to include in your arsenal of tools immediately!

Mentions are an important thing on Instagram. It’s like getting a favorable review or a shout-out. Every time your company is mentioned on Instagram in a positive light is an opportunity to promote the most effective method of marketing you can find — word-of mouth.

People are influenced by the opinions of people they know better than anyone else. In fact 58% of users say they have become greater interested in an company or product after seeing it through an Instagram story. Plus than 80% of the users on Instagram have decided to purchase a product following having seen that item on Instagram.

Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool can begin a chat session when someone mentions your brand in your Instagram Story.

Here’s an illustration that shows the Instagram Story Mentions tool in the action. I’m sharing an Instagram Story that mentions Bigbangram.

About halfway through the video loop below you’ll notice that shortly after sharing the story on my Instagram Story, a notification falls down from to the right of my screen (next next to the yellow arrow).

It’s a message from Bigbangram that reads «Awesome! «.

Instagram follower bot for Stories

Watching the short video above you might have noticed the other secret device that’s in Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool — the ability to add an Instagram link Instagram Stories every time you’re mentioned.

When someone mentions your name in your Instagram Story, send an acknowledgement note and including a promotional offer to show your appreciation’. A thank you note with an offer is among the best example of direct-response marketing I’ve witnessed, and I mean truly.

Utilizing Bigbangram’s Story Mentions tool will definitely encourage Instagram followers to share more of your brand in their Instagram Stories, while also fostering brand loyalty!

Instead try to make the most of UGC (user created content) and, in your thank you note make sure you include how much a follow will be for you if they aren’t already.

Send fully automated drip campaign sequences to specific Instagram contacts

Perhaps the most universally appreciated Instagram DM tools by Bigbangram are drip marketing campaign.

Drip campaigns have been available to Bigbangram clients on Facebook since a while. It’s not surprising that drip campaigns are very popular among Bigbangram users because they’re extremely efficient in boosting engagement on Instagram, as well as helping to move Facebook leads into their marketing funnels.

Want a live demo on how Instagram DM drip campaigns operate?

Go to Larry Kim’s Instagram page, and then click»Message» «Message» option.

Then, send Larry an immediate message with»DRIP» in the message «DRIP» to initiate the drip sequence! You’ll receive five useful messages in 5 minutes.

You’d like to know more? Instagram direct messages advertising campaigns, such as drip sequences?

Here’s how you can create Instagram DM drip campaigns, step-by-step!

Instagram Follower Bot for Influencers and Growth Hackers: The Clubhouse Lead Generation Funnel

Are you an existing or aspiring Clubhouse influencer? If so, this method to get followers on Instagram is priceless.

And since we’re now talking about Clubhouse on a post about how to locate the most effective Instagram follower bot, you’ve already figured out this is a hack. But I’m here to tell you that it performs extremely efficiently. So even if you’re researching Instagram bots for growth, you deserve to know about it!

It’s difficult to believe it, but through the Clubhouse lead generation funnel, our founder Larry Kim, had his reach on Instagram double within a week!

As Larry Kim saw the explosive growth of Clubhouse, he naturally did what any top digital marketer would do, search for possibilities for growth for businesses that can potentially scale.

And the best Instagram secret we’ve found in 2022 has to do with the integration of the Clubhouse app as well as Instagram DMs. This article will show you how to set up a lead generation funnel from Clubhouse to Instagram that will make your DM inbox bursting with highly-targeted leads!

Get the Clubhouse app.

Build a following. You’ll need to be strategically focused in this. Try these quick fixes:

Make your Clubhouse Bio shine.

Create an engaging piece of content by itself.

Add multiple CTAs into your Clubhouse Bio.

Select large Clubhouse rooms to join in with influencers.

Work with your peers in the industry and impart your wisdom and voice whenever you can.

Gain more influence by hosting a clubhouse room.

Set up this Instagram Growth hack DM funnel with an Bigbangram chatbot that will auto-reply. Inquire for an email address and include a link to an enticing landing page or lead magnet in the conversational question. Then, answer it with a chatbot.

Connect your Clubhouse with your Instagram profile using the CTA to DM the user with a specific keyword that you have defined when creating your Bigbangram DM funnel.

Manage this fast-paced new pipeline of hot leads using the Bigbangram OmniChat(r) inbox , which combines all of your business’ DM inboxes onto one dashboard.

Check out the video below for Larry’s personal review of his best Instagram growth techniques!

How to build an Instagram Follower Bot

Here’s how to construct your own Instagram follower bot with just one of many Instagram tools from Bigbangram:

Step 1: Sign-up to InstaChamp for a free account to begin.


Grow the number of Instagram followers as well as Facebook followers and engagement by using new tools and tools for creators, influencers, artists, brands and D2C companies. Sign up to be the first to benefit from tools that can generate high-quality engagement using Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Step 2: Connect to your Instagram account with Bigbangram.

Step 3: Use the Bigbangram chatbot creator to build automated messages that reply to comments, mentions, Instagram Stories, create Instagram welcome messages, and a range of more!

Utilize the Bigbangram chatbot creator that is free of code and marketing automation tools available on Instagram to instantly connect your company to customers and potential clients to build leads, reconnect with customers and provide real-time support.

All of Bigbangram Instagram tools including the tools to grow your email list, to segmenting an audience , or sending Instagram bulk messages — not one Instagram tool that is part of Bigbangram requires any advanced programming knowledge (other other than an API for Bigbangram). Bigbangram API)

Make use of images, buttons or notifications Zapier connections and more to automatize your Instagram chatbot dialogue.

From Bigbangram’s chat-marketing dashboard, explore every Instagram tool for messaging automation you require in a simple visual interface.

The Instagram Follow Bot

The best method to gain more followers on Instagram with a bot is to utilize your bot in a manner that people are going to desire to follow you organically.

Yes, earning followers may not be as quick as the old Instagram growth method of locating the most efficient Instagram follow unfollow bot, but if you’re serious about growing your presence on Instagram, earning follows is the most effective option.

Instagram accounts that utilize MoibileMonkey’s Instagram tool for marketing, especially when paired with engaging content will trigger automated activity and interactions that are viewed as natural and can result in a massive rise in genuine followers. The best part is that with Bigbangram you’ll work using a program that is all-inclusive engagement tools that are approved by Instagram.

Incorporating Messenger into Instagram will create an 3.3 billion user network. The number of Facebook Messenger users and Instagram Messenger users, this is roughly 43 percent of the entire world’s population using a single chat platform.

Start using Instagram-approved applications in the Bigbangram Instagram Bot today!

Apply for an early start to Instagram chat tools.

Utilize the partner code UNICORN to get to the head of our list!


Develop Instagram and Facebook followers and increase engagement using new tools for creators, influencers, artists, brands and D2C companies. Sign up today to be among the first to utilize tools that generate elite engagement using Instagram DMs.

Get Access

Important Next Steps

Create your own automated sales funnel in InstaChamp. Start today for free.

Talk and learn about automation with other enthusiastic people. Sign up to Bigbangram Island, our Facebook group of 40K marketers and entrepreneurs who are willing to assist you.

Increase your marketing efficiency with Sales Automation School, a free tutorial and training section for sales professionals and marketers.

Most frequently asked questions concerning Instagram Follower Bots

Q: What exactly is an Instagram follower bot?

A an Instagram follower bot can locate the most relevant Instagram accounts using specific terms in their profiles. You can then automatically follow them and like their posts directly from your Instagram account.

Instagram follower bots can be used in order to boost the amount of followers on an Instagram account and to improve the visibility and engagement of posts.

They are utilized by Instagram account owners to build their following rapidly, however, they should be utilized with caution because they could violate Instagram’s rules of usage.

Q Is Instagram follower bot still in use?

A: In the early days of Instagram growth marketers and wannabe influencers used what’s known as an Instagram follower bot.

A Instagram Follower Bot will automatically follow and like Instagram profiles that make use of specific keywords in their bios.

The idea was that if received a follow-back from just less than a fraction of the accounts your Instagram follower bot followed, you’d be able to grow yourself an Instagram following by attracting followers who already follow you.

This trend has changed drastically. Today Instagram follower bots have been identified to be in violation of Instagram’s terms of service and can cause an Instagram account to be shut down because of the violation.

Q: Are there any Instagram bots which work?

A: Although traditional Instagram follower bots pose risks to the Instagram account owner, Bigbangram Instagram DM bots are an approved Instagram solution that employs AI and organic methods to get more users on Instagram.

Instagram DM automation is:

100% approved by Instagram

Automatically runs using auto-reply tools

Delivers more organic engagement on Instagram

Bigbangram specifically designed for Instagram is precisely what you require to gain the right amount of followers.

Take a look at this case study of Larry Kim’s Instagram after just 30 days of using Bigbangram’s engagement tools for Instagram.

Results of Larry’s very first month using Instagram interaction tools is astonishing:

Profile visits are up 255 percent

Website Taps are up by 249%

Thousands of new Instagram followers are added every week

A DM (direct message) inbox that is exploding with legitimate inquiries

Impressions are up 171% every month.

Larry’s DM also receives thousands of messages each week!

Q: How can I auto-reply to comments on Instagram to build followers and drive traffic?

A: Instagram Comment Auto-Responders, by Bigbangram can allow you to automatically reply to the comments you receive on your Instagram posts, using an engaging chat conversation.

Autoresponders are simple to set up and extremely efficient.

Ask your followers to respond with a specific phrase when you post something on Instagram. When people post comments using the keyword, it triggers an event that allows you to start discussions with any comments. These are some of the alternatives that are popular:

Send Instagram traffic to one your landing pages.

Join your subscribers to your email newsletters or SMS text messages Facebook Messenger promos, and other communication channels.

Get their contact details captured using one of many lead generation tools from Bigbangram.

You can ask them to follow you!

Q: How can I increase my Instagram followers with DM auto-reply tools?

A: Bigbangram is now able to take control over Instagram’s DM inbox by incorporating multiple options and usage cases including:

All Instagram DMs can be instantly responded to using auto-reply technology, keyword triggers, and the ability to respond to questions (often requested questions).

Create a personalized welcome message for all of your followers who are new to your DM.

Forms for emails can help you create leads and collect important information and details from your customers.

Make contact lists for your followers and keep in touch with your followers through opt-in tools and send them SMS messages, emails, and Messenger chatbots.

Let users choose the products or services they’d like to learn about with chatbots with menus.

They can send you an email follow-up

Q: How can I automatically respond to mentions on Instagram Stories in order to increase my followers?

A: Bigbangram’s Instagram Story Mentions tool can start conversations when someone mentions your brand on the caption of their Instagram Story.

The Story Mentions tool from Bigbangram is sure to inspire Instagram users to share more of your brand’s content in their Instagram Stories, while also fostering brand loyalty!

Q: How do I send drip campaign sequences to select the target Instagram accounts?

A: Drip campaigns are popular among Bigbangram users because they’re effective at growing engagement on Instagram and functioning to send Facebook leads into your funnels for marketing.

Here’s how to set up drip campaigns:

Step 1 Start with Campaigns > Drip Campaigns > Create drip campaigns

Step #2: Select your Drip Campaign Audience

Step 3: Select the Time Between DM Drips and design your Dialogue

Step #4 Step 4: Add Conversational Chat Widgets (Optional)

Step 5 Review and Set Your Drip Campaign Live

For step by step instructions on how to set up drip campaigns read our blog post on Best Instagram Direct Message Marketing Examples and Templates (+Drip Campaigns).

Q: How do I build an Instagram follower bot?

A: This is how to build the perfect Instagram follower bot with just one of the many Instagram tools from Bigbangram:

Step 1: To get started you must sign up to InstaChamp for FREE.

Step 2: Connect Your Instagram accounts to Bigbangram.

Step 3: With The Bigbangram chatbot creator, you can design automated messages that respond to comments, mentions Instagram Stories as well as welcoming messages for Instagram as well as a host various other jobs.

Make use of the Bigbangram code-free chatbot builder or marketing automation tool on Instagram to instantly connect your business with customers and prospects in order to build leads, reconnect with customers and provide real-time support.

None of Bigbangram’s Instagram tools, ranging from strategies for growing email lists to segmenting an audience to blasting Instagram mass message bursts is a requirement for any significant technical skills (other than the Bigbangram API).

The best way to get many more Instagram followers Instagram by using a bot to utilize your bot in a way that people will desire to follow you organically.

Begin with Instagram-approved 100% tools from the Bigbangram Instagram Bot today!

Q: Can chatbots boost sales?

A Yes, when properly implemented, chatbots can boost sales. Numerous companies are using chatbots for ecommerce and understanding how to sell their products on the internet using chatbots takes only a few minutes of trials and errors with their own product or service. Chatbots are an extremely popular marketing tool in the world of online business because they can serve as a 24/7 sales assistant for your business.

Chatbots are also one of the most popular ecommerce marketing tools that help to increase the effectiveness of direct-response marketing. This is especially relevant for affiliates as chatbots are an essential marketing tool for affiliates in general.

Engagement is an essential element in today’s fast-paced digital marketing and selling through live chat gives you an edge, as there’s nothing more engaging for your customers than a live chat widget to engage with.

If you add a web-based chat customer support component to your website or other channels opens the opportunities for many new sales opportunities.

Q: Are there any risks associated with using Instagram bots?

A: Instagram follower bots may negatively affect your engagement long-term.

Instagram follower bots are well-known. If Instagram users notice that you’re using follower bots and stop engaging with you, or offer less valuable engagement.

It is also impossible to completely automatize genuine participation. If you are confident that your content is of top quality, Instagram bots could be able to help you establish a real engagement and followers.

It is possible that an Instagram follower bot may be in violation of Instagram’s terms of use , which could put your Instagram account at risk being shadow-banned.

In the event that your account is suspended, Instagram makes all of your posts inaccessible to users that aren’t followers. You won’t be able to grow your brand in the future since people won’t be able to discover it if you include any hashtags in your post.

Q: How do you use Instagram bots? Instagram bot without being shadow-banned?

A: If you’re just beginning to get started with Instagram and you’re being followed by hundreds of people every day, Instagram might pick up on this. You should begin your interaction and following slowly before gradually increasing them as your account expands.

When it comes to expanding your fan base, one error that many people make is attempting to contact everyone who’s not interested in their field.

Make certain that your bot is posting on Instagram accounts and hashtags relevant to your business to develop a consistent and genuine following.

Do some Instagram engagement on your own (don’t let the bot take over all the work). If you automate all your Instagram activity, it could result in your account being shadow-banned.

Respond to comments, engage in others’ posts by liking and sharing their posts. What is most essential to remember is to engage with your followers to build an intimate relationship, and to let them get a sense of your presence.

Question: What’s alternative methods for using Instagram bots?

A: We have couple of suggestions that you could take advantage of instead of stressing about Instagram follower bots.

1. Engage with your followers directly

While this may take more time however, it can be a way to build authentic engagement with your followers, develop relationships, and know your audience better than you have ever before.

2. Hire an assistant or social media assistant

We realize this may not be the most efficient option for your business, but in the end, you’ll see the ROI by having an actual person assist you with your Instagram as opposed to. having to manage bots.

3. Time is everything

If you don’t have the money to pay for an assistant or social media assistant at the moment but that’s fine. Take your time and write engaging content, use attractive photos and videos and address your followers in a genuine voice.

If you are able to devote an additional 20-30 mins each day talking to your followers directly your followers, the benefits is more valuable than the benefits bots can offer!

A great option is using an application for managing social media such as InstaChamp which can automate your posts, hashtags, and also some interactions with your followers.

So you can put it in place and forget it , while maintaining an authentic engagement with your customers.

As you will see, there are a lot of choices when it comes down to bots being used on Instagram. It is important to weigh both the advantages and disadvantages prior to making a decision and determine whether it could make sense for your company.

In the final analysis, Bigbangram is a 100 100% Instagram-approved automated engagement with replying to comments in addition to DM automation. In the same way we don’t automate following accounts which are in violation of Instagram Terms.

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